Sunday, February 13, 2011

Many Happy Returns

So we're back in La Paz. I love this city. Steep streets, good coffee, tasty and cheap food. But the thing I like most is the familiarity. I've been here before. There is something comforting about going back to a place on a trip like this. It's different than going back to Nanaimo (still doubling in length every year), or Vancouver (still amazed by the Olympic venues; where did all the homeless people go?), or Edmonton (still sucky, but different somehow), or Compton (still D.R.E.).

It has a lot to do with logistics. The first place on this trip that we went back to was Lima. Upon arrival, we already knew the address of our hostel, including street intersection, and how much the cab should cost. We already knew where to get coffee, what we wanted for lunch and where to get it, and where the good supermarket is. We had been in Lima for one day previously, but that's enough. Lima became the closest thing to home up to that point.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Trust Me

I've been thinking a lot about trust the last few weeks. It has occurred to me that traveling requires a person to trust strangers more often than usual. This first popped into my head as I was hurtling down the side of a mountain on a bicycle...