Tuesday, December 14, 2010

I Suck at Blogging

The main thing about blogging is that it provides a free, easy way to regularly post updates about various things. Regularly. I may be the suckiest blogger I know. My last post was September 28. This does not constitute regularity and thus may require me to conclude that this is no longer a blog. Maybe it's more like a web time capsule. A bapsule. Hey jargon, consider yourself coined.

Anyway, I'm going to put in better effort from now on. Probably. I'll start with an incredibly brief rundown  of all the places I've been since the last post.

Philadelphia - City of Brotherly Love. Mostly it just seemed like everyone was fighting about cheesesteaks. 

New York City - As usual, my favourite big city. Found excellent pizza at a place unfortunately filled with screaming, spoiled, East Side children.

Niagara Falls - Waterfall = amazing. Town = crappy Las Vegas.

Toronto - Good weather. My sister ran her first half marathon like a gazelle with a piece of burning wood tied to its tail. Also, Persian food.

Montreal - T-Rex poutine at La Banquise! Also Hallowe'en snowball fight. C'est seulement la glace!

Ottawa - Question period makes me long for oligarchy.

Boston - How do I like them apples? I like them just fine, thank you.

Dublin - Guinness really is better here. Big thanks to Emily and Andy for the bed.

Manchester - Live music, good beer, and the pub where Marx and Engels used to hang out. Thanks to Nate, Ash, Mike, and James.

The Rest of England - So many ferris wheels! Learn to cook better! London is medium fun and sort of interesting!

Scotland - Food poisoning + snow storm = watching endless reruns of Friends and Scrubs.

Now I'm back in Edmonton. I said I'd never come back yet somehow I'm here and having a good time. This speaks to the charm and wit of my many friends here. 

Next stop, Nanaimo. I like Nanaimo almost as much as I love a cold beer on a hot Christmas morning. After that, Peru!

Image above is from Gizmodo.

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