I should probably wait to write more posts until this site is indexed by Google.
But I'm not gonna.
Art Gallery of Alberta (AGA, or, if you like, a-GAH) opened on January 31, 2010, after much pomp, hatred, circumstance, criticism, ado, and vitriol spilling out of the local press. It's a waste of money. It's an eyesore. It's an affront to the uneducated and people who live in the suburbs. Maybe it's all of those things. I don't care. The AGA is the only world class
thing in Edmonton. I don't use the word
thing because I can't think of a better word; my intention is to be that general.
West Edmonton Mall is not world class. The
Edmonton Oilers are not world class. No food or manufacturing or people are world class. Nothing here is world class. Except for the AGA.