Thursday, April 15, 2010

Huzzah! for Yellow Pages Group Co.

In a stunning announcement last week, YPG Co. indicated they would no longer automatically deliver white pages to Edmonton and area homes. Not stunning, you say? Perhaps you are correct, sir. But still, this is good news for people who like trees, hate clutter, and who have even the faintest working knowledge of the interwebs. However, there are still a few remaining white(pages)supremacists.

The Edmonton Journal article in which I first learned of our collective, involuntary paper reduction cited one Arlene West as being somewhat dismayed at the lack of auto-delivery. Now, I happen to know that no one under the age of 70 is named Arlene (or Agnes, Lucille, Abigail, Edith, Millicent, Prudence, etc., unless you happen to be a recent Asian immigrant whose parents let you choose your own English first name). The article confirms that Arlene is indeed 75 and so I ask: why do we care what a septuagenarian luddite thinks? It's not like old people have a history of efficiency or positive response to positive change (except my grandfather, who kicks ass and is 89 - keep on truckin'). And Arlene can still get some of those white pages, she just has to ask. This is nearly as convenient as having some kind of magic box in your house that can find information and phone numbers using a system of tubes. Quit complaining, Arlene. And boo to the Edmonton Journal for trying to make a good move from a corporation seem like it's screwing people over.

This move by YPG Co. puts Edmonton on the same track as more progressive cities like Toronto and Vancouver, which could backfire since Edmontonians have a kneejerk negative reaction to anything east of Thunder Bay. So think WEST, Edmonton. You all like Vancouver and Vancouver doesn't get white pages. That's it, breathe deeply.

Apparently 700,000 copies of the white pages would have gone out. And I know what you're thinking; you're thinking, "Ryan, what are you going to do on the weekends, now that you won't have an ample supply of phone books to tear in half with your massive, undulating, quivering pipes?" to which I will reply, "come here a minute and I'll show you." But I digress.

This is a great move by the Yellow Pages Group Co. and I applaud them. Now they need to think about pulling the Yellow Pages too. I went to put my new edition on the shelf the other day and found last year's update still wrapped in plastic. Maybe YPG Co. should just focus on writing better iPhone apps and get out of the paper business altogether.

1 comment:

  1. No kidding. The white and yellow pages sat on the front porch of our house, unopened by any of the 4 sets of occupants, all through the wet season. By the time I got around to cleaning it up it was a decomposing mess. I'm sure the people who bought ads in each set of paper are getting their money's worth.
